Do you ever get up in the morning and believe, without a doubt, that you were born for more? I mean, I know you have to get up and go to work and make a living. That’s a given. But do you ever think on your commute to your job that there has got to be more than this?
I sure did. When I worked full time before our daughters were born I thought that. When I went back to work part time after staying home as a full time mom for 7 years, I had those thoughts again.
I bet you would love to start a business, set your own hours and be your own boss but you are struggling with that tiny word called “belief.”
Succeeding in anything requires belief and belief accounts for more than half the journey. Without it, you will either fail or never start at all. Did you read that? I mean really soak it in?
Without belief you will fail – or never start! This should tell you that believe is EVERYTHING in your journey to success! What goes on between your ears all day long – it really matters! Let’s look at this from a different angle. When it comes to work, career and life balance, what do you believe?
Do you believe that trading time for money is the only way to pay your bills? Do you believe that going to a job you hate is the only way to live?
I have a feeling that for most of us, we don’t know how to believe for anything else. So, our natural tendency is to keep doing what we don’t like in order to earn money.
How sad is that? I mean, hating what you do and having to do it regardless because you don’t think you have other options.
However, I believe that underneath all of that “programmed thinking,” most of us have a strong desire for something more.
I think somewhere, deep in your soul, there is a nagging feeling that you are meant for something far greater.
I believe you have a dream of what life could be like if you could let go of what you’ve been programmed to think or believe.
I will take it a step further and say this – I think you have desire way down deep to make a drastic change in your life and you are ready right now! think you have been sitting on an idea or a dream of what you want out of life for a very long time. Don’t you think it’s time to take the plunge!
Walt Disney said, “If you can dream it, you can do it.”
Henry Ford said, “Whether you believe you can or can’t, you are right.”
Success in life, work and business come from belief first. Without belief you will never achieve what your heart desires.
If you truly, genuinely and confidently believe that you WILL achieve success in your life then there is nothing that will stop you from going after what you want.
Not difficulty, rejection, the death of a loved one, financial hardship – nothing! You might stall for a little while and you might need to take care of certain things that rise up but if you really believe that you are meant for greatness you will go after it!
- 5 Questions to ask Yourself Before Starting a Blog or Side Business
- 10 Reasons You Should Start a Money Making Blog
- 12 Side Businesses You Can Start in 7 Days
- Side Hustles That Work! Start Making Money Today.
- 7 Steps to Kill Every Excuse You Have so You Can Achieve Your Dream
Let’s do a quick exercise:
First, write down your goal or dream. What do you really want to do? What would you do on a Saturday without being paid? Now, how could you turn that into a business or a stream of income?
Here is a quick example. Let’s say you cannot stand your current job situation but you love to cook! On Saturdays you cook breakfast for the family, desserts for Sunday lunch and cookies for a movie snack on Saturday night. You do all of this because you love it and your good at it too!
This could easily turn into a side business for you. Cakes for parties, finger foods for dinner gatherings, or a full blown catering business. People will pay good money for someone to cook for a party!
Second, write down these questions,
- “Do I want this more than anything?”
- “Do I BELIEVE that I CAN do this?”
- “Am I willing to work hard to get there?”
- “When I get discouraged am I willing to keep going?”
Once you have answered these questions it is time for a game plan. If you have a dream or a goal of earning income without a boss and you have been sitting on the fence, keep reading! I have created a FREE printable for you and you can get it here!
It includes three steps with examples on creating a business from home you have always wanted. It can be done in a day or over a week if you are super busy. The printable will allow you to write down your answers and will become a guide for you as you get started.
What on earth are you waiting for? Time is passing! You can never get back what is behind you but you can start today, right now, and begin creating exactly what you are dreaming of!
As always, I am in your corner. 🙂